Gas Up but Save Up!

With the constant oil price hikes, car owners are now looking for ways on how to minimize their gas consumption.  Cars are no longer considered luxury items or mere social statements nowadays.  They are in fact an everyday essential especially to the working people.  So if usage of cars and consumption of gas is inevitable, how can one save money?

There is no single solution to this problem.  But there are dozens of small-scaled practices, which if observed can result in significant positive results.  Here are some.

Gas Saving Tip # 1: Check your Tire Pressure

When tires are under-inflated, their resistance to roll against the road’s surface increases.  The engine then has to work twice its normal performance to move the tires, which means it has to burn more fuel to do it.

 Gas Saving Tip # 2: Turn Off Engine

When you find yourself trapped in the middle of a terrible traffic jam or you simply need to park the car while waiting for someone, it’s more efficient to turn off your ignition.  Contrary to popular belief, idling consumes more gas than when you are actually driving.  Plus, turning off your engine lessens the emission of carbon dioxide in the air.

 Gas Saving Tip # 3: Lessen Use of Air Conditioning

When you are driving in a slow pace, let’s say not more than 50kph, it will be more fuel-efficient if you turn off your aircon and open the windows for air.  But if you are on a freeway where you are required to accelerate, it’s recommended that you close your windows and turn on the AC.  At higher speeds, you need to prioritize the aerodynamics of your car.

 Gas Saving Tip # 4: Carpool

If you are not too keen on using the public transport, you and your officemates or colleagues could organize a carpool, especially if you all are traveling to the same destination.  Imagine if the four of you will drive in your own car, wouldn’t it be much more cost-efficient and environment-friendly if only one car is consuming gas and emitting carbon dioxide?  You could just chip-in to cover your travel’s gas price.

Following these tips will not only save you fuel and money, but it can also help you prevent from committing traffic and road-related violations.

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